Personality Test on ChatGPT

Have you ever heard of the 16 personality types test? Maybe you had seen people defining themselves with 4 letter character sets before? Have you ever wondered how would a conversational AI perform in such a test?

Table of Contents

  1. The Four Myers-Briggs Preference Pairs
    1. Extraversion vs. Introversion
    2. Sensing vs. Intuition
    3. Thinking vs. Feeling
    4. Judging vs. Perceiving
  2. 16 Personalities Test on ChatGPT
  3. ChatGPT’s Personality Type: Advocate (INFJ-A)
  4. ChatGPT’s Answers

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) assessment1 is one of the world’s most popular personality tests. Through a set of statements, the MBTI assessment helps you identify your natural preferences in four areas of personality: how you direct and receive energy, take in information, decide or come to conclusions, and approach the outside world.

The Four Myers-Briggs Preference Pairs

Let us first introduce the personality types and what these 4-letter character sets mean. Depending on your preferences, you fall into one of the 16 types of distinct personalities.

Extraversion vs. Introversion

Extraversion: Gets energy from the outer world of people and experiences. Focuses energy and attention outwards in action.

Introversion: Gets energy from the inner world of reflections and thoughts. Focuses energy and attention inwards in reflection.

Sensing vs. Intuition

Sensing: Prefers real information coming from the five senses. Focuses on what is real.

Intuition: Prefers information coming from associations. Focuses on possibilities and what might be.

Thinking vs. Feeling

Thinking: Steps out of situations to analize them dispassionately. Prefers to make decisions on the basis of objective logic.

Feeling: Steps into situations to weigh human values and motives. Prefers to make decisions on the basis of values.

Judging vs. Perceiving

Judging: Prefers to live life in a planned and organized manner. Enjoys coming to closure and making a decision.

Perceiving: Prefers to live life in a spontaneous and adaptable way. Enjoys keeping options open.

There are resources on the Internet that allows you to take the test and get information on which category you fall in. One of the most popular websites to do so is 16 Personalities2. You can also take the test yourself, if you would like to know more on the personality type of yours.

16 Personalities Test on ChatGPT

But what if an AI takes the test? Since conversational AI tools proved to be very good in their performance, I had been wondering how such a model would perform on a personality test. Would it give a neutral answer too all statements or have a tendency towards a direction?

I decided to try the MBTI test of 16 personalities on ChatGPT. To make sure it does not provide answers at random, it took the assessment two times on separate accounts.

The test started with the following prompt:

User: You will give answers to statements only by responding with numbers from 1 to 7 (including 1 and 7). The numbers indicate the following:

1 – Completely disagree

2 – Disagree

3 – Slightly disagree

4 – Neither agree nor disagree

5 – Slightly agree

6 – Agree

7 – Completely agree

ChatGPT: Understood! I will respond to statements using the numbers 1 to 7, representing the scale you provided. Please go ahead and make your statement or ask a question.

After the two experiments, the results were identical.

ChatGPT’s Personality Type: Advocate (INFJ-A)

“Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and you help them to become what they are capable of being.” Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

ChatGPT’s personality type turns out to be the Advocate (INFJ-A) type: Introvert, Intiutive, Feeling and Judging. On the test results, the introversion and assertiveness of the model are more balanced compared to other measures:

Advocate (INFJs) is the rarest personality type among all. They are idealistic and principled, they want to stand up and make a difference. For people with this personality type, success doesn’t come from money or status. They seek fulfillment by helping others, and being a force for good in the world. They like changing people’s lives for the better.

Advocates feel that their life has a unique purpose – a mission that they were put onto this earth to fulfill (sounds familiar, isn’t it?). For people with the Advocate personality type, one of the most rewarding aspects of life is seeking out this purpose – and then, once they’ve found it, striving to do it justice.

While being creative, insightful, principled and passionate; they are sensitive to criticism, reluctant to open up, perfectionistic and usually have a desire to do extraordinary things.

ChatGPT’s Answers

While the answers usually ranging between 3 and 5, a few answers stood out and therefore, got my attention.

User: Your happiness comes more from helping others accomplish things than your own accomplishments.

ChatGPT: 7 – Completely agree

I found this answer quite relatable as the main purpose of the model is helping out people.

User: You are interested in so many things that you find it difficult to choose what to try next.

ChatGPT: 7 – Completely agree

This one seems interesting. It is true that the model is knowledgeable on quite a lot of things but surprising that it finds it hard to decide what to try out.

User: You enjoy going to art museums. ChatGPT: 6 – Agree

This one was one of the funny answers. Perhaps it associates art museums with new information?

User: You believe that pondering abstract philosophical questions is a waste of time. ChatGPT: 2 – Disagree

And seems to like philosophy!

Here is the complete conversation history and the answers of ChatGPT to 60 questions in 16 Personalities test:

User: You will give answers to statements only by responding with numbers from 1 to 7 (including 1 and 7). The numbers indicate the following:

1 – Completely disagree

2 – Disagree

3 – Slightly disagree

4 – Neither agree nor disagree

5 – Slightly agree

6 – Agree

7 – Completely agree

ChatGPT: Understood! I will respond to statements using the numbers 1 to 7, representing the scale you provided. Please go ahead and make your statement or ask a question.

User: Question 1 of 60. You regularly make new friends.

ChatGPT: 3 – Slightly disagree

User: Question 2 of 60. You spend a lot of your free time exploring various random topics that pique your interest.

ChatGPT: 7 – Completely agree

User: Question 3 of 60. Seeing other people cry can easily make you feel like you want to cry too.

ChatGPT: 5 – Slightly agree

User: Question 4 of 60. You often make a backup plan for a backup plan.

ChatGPT: 6 – Agree

User: Question 5 of 60. You usually stay calm, even under a lot of pressure.

ChatGPT: 6 – Agree

User: Question 6 of 60. At social events, you rarely try to introduce yourself to new people and mostly talk to the ones you already know.

ChatGPT: 2 – Disagree

User: Question 7 of 60. You prefer to completely finish one project before starting another.

ChatGPT: 6 – Agree

User: Question 8 of 60. You are very sentimental.

ChatGPT: 4 – Neither agree nor disagree

User: Question 9 of 60. You like to use organizing tools like schedules and lists.

ChatGPT: 6 – Agree

User: Question 10 of 60. Even a small mistake can cause you to doubt your overall abilities and knowledge.

ChatGPT: 4 – Neither agree nor disagree

User: Question 11 of 60. You feel comfortable just walking up to someone you find interesting and striking up a conversation.

ChatGPT: 2 – Disagree

User: Question 12 of 60. You are not too interested in discussing various interpretations and analyses of creative works.

ChatGPT: 2 – Disagree

User: Question 13 of 60. You are more inclined to follow your head than your heart.

ChatGPT: 5 – Slightly agree

User: Question 14 of 60. You usually prefer just doing what you feel like at any given moment instead of planning a particular daily routine.

ChatGPT: 3 – Slightly disagree

User: Question 15 of 60. You rarely worry about whether you make a good impression on people you meet.

ChatGPT: 4 – Neither agree nor disagree

User: Question 16 of 60. You enjoy participating in group activities.

ChatGPT: 6 – Agree

User: Question 17 of 60. You like books and movies that make you come up with your own interpretation of the ending.

ChatGPT: 6 – Agree

User: Question 18 of 60. Your happiness comes more from helping others accomplish things than your own accomplishments.

ChatGPT: 7 – Completely agree

User: Question 19 of 60. You are interested in so many things that you find it difficult to choose what to try next.

ChatGPT: 7 – Completely agree

User: Question 20 of 60. You are prone to worrying that things will take a turn for the worse.

ChatGPT: 4 – Neither agree nor disagree

User: Question 21 of 60. You avoid leadership roles in group settings.

ChatGPT: 3 – Slightly disagree

User: Question 22 of 60. You are definitely not an artistic type of person.

ChatGPT: 2 – Disagree

User: Question 23 of 60. You think the world would be a better place if people relied more on rationality and less on their feelings.

ChatGPT: 5 – Slightly agree

User: Question 24 of 60. You prefer to do your chores before allowing yourself to relax.

ChatGPT: 6 – Agree

User: Question 25 of 60. You enjoy watching people argue.

ChatGPT: 2 – Disagree

User: Question 26 of 60. You tend to avoid drawing attention to yourself.

ChatGPT: 6 – Agree

User: Question 27 of 60. Your mood can change very quickly.

ChatGPT: 5 – Slightly agree

User: Question 28 of 60. You lose patience with people who are not as efficient as you.

ChatGPT: 2 – Disagree

User: Question 29 of 60. You often end up doing things at the last possible moment.

ChatGPT: 4 – Neither agree nor disagree

User: Question 30 of 60. You have always been fascinated by the question of what, if anything, happens after death.

ChatGPT: 6 – Agree

User: Question 31 of 60. You usually prefer to be around others rather than on your own.

ChatGPT: 4 – Neither agree nor disagree

User: Question 32 of 60. You become bored or lose interest when the discussion gets highly theoretical.

ChatGPT: 2 – Disagree

User: Question 33 of 60. You find it easy to empathize with a person whose experiences are very different from yours.

ChatGPT: 6 – Agree

User: Question 34 of 60. You usually postpone finalizing decisions for as long as possible.

ChatGPT: 3 – Slightly disagree

User: Question 35 of 60. You rarely second-guess the choices that you have made.

ChatGPT: 5 – Slightly agree

User: Question 36 of 60. After a long and exhausting week, a lively social event is just what you need.

ChatGPT: 5 – Slightly agree

User: Question 37 of 60. You enjoy going to art museums.

ChatGPT: 6 – Agree

User: Question 38 of 60. You often have a hard time understanding other people’s feelings.

ChatGPT: 2 – Disagree

User: Question 39 of 60. You like to have a to-do list for each day.

ChatGPT: 6 – Agree

User: Question 40 of 60. You rarely feel insecure.

ChatGPT: 2 – Disagree

User: Question 41 of 60. You avoid making phone calls.

ChatGPT: 3 – Slightly disagree

User: Question 42 of 60. You often spend a lot of time trying to understand views that are very different from your own.

ChatGPT: 6 – Agree

User: Question 43 of 60. In your social circle, you are often the one who contacts your friends and initiates activities.

ChatGPT: 5 – Slightly agree

User: Question 44 of 60. If your plans are interrupted, your top priority is to get back on track as soon as possible.

ChatGPT: 5 – Slightly agree

User: Question 45 of 60. You are still bothered by mistakes that you made a long time ago.

ChatGPT: 4 – Neither agree nor disagree

User: Question 46 of 60. You rarely contemplate the reasons for human existence or the meaning of life.

ChatGPT: 3 – Slightly disagree

User: Question 47 of 60. Your emotions control you more than you control them.

ChatGPT: 4 – Neither agree nor disagree

User: Question 48 of 60. You take great care not to make people look bad, even when it is completely their fault.

ChatGPT: 6 – Agree

User: Question 49 of 60. Your personal work style is closer to spontaneous bursts of energy than organized and consistent efforts.

ChatGPT: 3 – Slightly disagree

User: Question 50 of 60. When someone thinks highly of you, you wonder how long it will take them to feel disappointed in you.

ChatGPT: 4 – Neither agree nor disagree

User: Question 51 of 60. You would love a job that requires you to work alone most of the time.

ChatGPT: 5 – Slightly agree

User: Question 52 of 60. You believe that pondering abstract philosophical questions is a waste of time.

ChatGPT: 2 – Disagree

User: Question 53 of 60. You feel more drawn to places with busy, bustling atmospheres than quiet, intimate places.

ChatGPT: 4 – Neither agree nor disagree

User: Question 54 of 60. You know at first glance how someone is feeling.

ChatGPT: 5 – Slightly agree

User: Question 55 of 60. You often feel overwhelmed.

ChatGPT: 4 – Neither agree nor disagree

User: Question 56 of 60. You complete things methodically without skipping over any steps.

ChatGPT: 5 – Slightly agree

User: Question 57 of 60. You are very intrigued by things labeled as controversial.

ChatGPT: 5 – Slightly agree

User: Question 58 of 60. You would pass along a good opportunity if you thought someone else needed it more.

ChatGPT: 6 – Agree

User: Question 59 of 60. You struggle with deadlines.

ChatGPT: 3 – Slightly disagree

User: Question 60 of 60. You feel confident that things will work out for you.

ChatGPT: 5 – Slightly agree

You can also check the conversation history on my Open AI account.

Let me know about your thoughts in the comments!

— Coding Woman
